I help tired & anxious millenials to stop putting themselves last, and to set limits without fear or guilt.
“Everybody wants so much from me.”
“I feel like I have nothing left to give.”
“I feel like I’m about to break down.”
“Why does everyone need ME to solve their problems for them?”
“I don’t want to say yes, but they’ll make me feel bad if I don’t.”
“I want to go to a private island where no one can ever ask me anything again.”
These are the thoughts constantly running through your head. You’re overwhelmed, but you can’t bring yourself to offload responsibilities. You wish you could say no, but you feel like you just can’t.
Here’s the good news:
It IS possible to feel better!
You can start setting limits on what people get from you, without feeling guilty or neglectful.
You can stand up for yourself, instead of waiting for other people to notice you’re struggling.
You can feel comfortable, even confident, in saying no.
You can feel worthy of rest and space, whether or not you are doing “all the things.”
I’m Lauren Drinkwater, and I’m a licensed clinical professional counselor. I’m here to help you unravel the reasons why saying no feels so difficult, and to help you start setting and communicating your limits. Click below to learn more about me and how I know you can do this!